Paint Your Dream Life Now Through Thoughts (use the law of attraction)
The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their lives.
The basis of this idea is that like attracts like.
Therefore, if someone focuses on having more money, they will attract money into their life.
Likewise, if someone focuses on having a happy and healthy relationship, they will attract a happy and healthy relationship into their life.
Some people believe that the law of attraction is always working, whether we are aware of it or not.
Others believe that we must put forth effort in order to make the law of attraction work for us.
The reality is that the law of attraction is working at every hour of every day, whether you believe it or not.
It can be compared to the way gravity operates. You may not understand it or even dislike it.
Your opinion of the law of attraction does not affect its constant impact on the Universe on a constant basis from the beginning of time until now and forevermore.
Figure out what you want and ask for it.
Ask, believe, and receive.
Not so simple when the request is something desperately wanted or needed, like basic necessities.
Understanding how the law of attraction really works is essential in manifesting your dream life one thought at a time.
Ask for Anything You Want Using the Law of Attraction
Ask the RIGHT way.
First, make your requests one by one. Get clear on one thing at a time, and put your energy there.
Don't just think things like, "I want a mansion, no student debt, a brand new car, early retirement, and a healthy marriage," when one or more of those things are very far away from your current reality.
It doesn't happen over night. You must understand that or your efforts will never deliver.
Your wording must be affirmative
Secondly, when you ask for something, you must word it in a way that is affirmative.
The words must focus on what you actually do want rather than avoiding what you don’t want. This is a big part of using the law of attraction the right way.
Instead of saying, “Universe, I don’t want to be sick anymore,” you can say, “Universe, thank you for making me healthy again.”
(You can replace Universe with your choice of a higher power.)
Now there’s a lot worth mentioning about the difference between those two statements. First, the Universe does not know language.
The Universe doesn’t know the word “don’t,” “not,” “never,” and other negating words. It hears what you are focusing on and the vibration of the word.
In the first statement, that is sickness, a word that is low-vibrational because it is unwanted.
The Universe hears you asking for sickness with conviction. In the second statement, you are thanking the Universe for something that happened already, though, in your current reality, it didn’t.
You are putting yourself in the mindset of receiving because you are acting like you already have what you want.
The Universe hears that you desire continued good health. You are deserving of what you want. Use LOA (or law of attraction) to the fullest extent possible.
Get clear on your desire, focus on the breath and intuition
So how can we utilize energy and our life force to attract using the law of attraction?
The breath or prana enables us to attract success and positive things whilst avoiding danger and negative life experiences.
Everything in our physical reality is composed of atoms which are energy.
We all have an inner guidance system, which some people refer to as intuition.
It gives us signs, a deep feeling that sits in our gut and weighs on our chest, pushing us to do something or not to do something.
Some may call it
Godly Wisdom
knowledge from Source
or simply thought processes gathered by the mind from previous experiences
Alignment and LOA
This intuition lets us know the atmosphere that is aligned with our vibration. It is a consequence of what we have been putting out. Energy cannot be described.
It is not good or bad. It just is. Though, it can be high vibrational or low vibrational.
This reality can be easily felt by all people having a human experience. If something doesn’t feel right, then you must listen to your inner guide.
This can be in relation to personal relationships in your life, a job, a party, an event, or really anything.
If something feels wrong, even if we can’t figure out why we feel the way we do, we should never doubt our gut.
And when you become so in touch with your emotions that you are able to almost predict what will happen, you can bet that you are becoming more aligned with your truest, highest, vibrational self.
Being in alignment with your intuition is not something that comes without consistent practice and work.
I try my best to follow the mantra, “When in doubt, don’t.”
Sometimes people feel they are unable to tell the difference between intuition and fear. Justin Perry, law of attraction expert differentiates between fear and intuition.
He believes that fear does not emit from intuitive thought, but from the ego.
And when something feels positive, it is coming from our intuition. E
ven when there is a heavy feeling in your spirit regarding a particular situation, the energy is always right.
Each event has its own vibrational frequency, and intuition picks this up for us when we in our human vessels are unable to.
Take action, you are the creator.
Get clear about what you want in your life, piece by piece. Then take action steps toward making that dream a reality keeping the metrics of the law of attraction.
In other words, if you want more money, start thinking and acting like a wealthy person.
Sitting on your butt without a job and not trying to get one is not going to be fixed by something magical.
If you want a healthier body, start making healthy choices in your diet and exercise routine. E
ating Mcdonald's and thinking you can wish your health problems away is not going to happen.
The law of attraction won't work unless you take action to make your dreams come true.
Obviously, that's easier said than done. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.
That's where resistance comes in. When you understand the power your mind truly has on literally creating your physical day-to-day experiences, you will develop an understanding of resistance and how to avoid it.
Discipline and retraining the brain are a major piece of this pie.
What is energetic resistance?
Energetic resistance is when we block the flow of energy in our lives. This can happen when we focus on negative things, or when we try to control everything that happens to us.
When we have energetic resistance, it's difficult for us to manifest what we want because we're not allowing the Universe to do its job.
How can I overcome energetic resistance and work with the law of attraction?
Your dream life is not as far away as you may have thought it was.
There are a few things you can do to overcome energetic resistance:
1. Practice gratitude
Use the law of attraction to your advantage by being grateful for what you already have. When you are grateful for what you have, you attract more of what you want into your life.
So if you are thankful for your health, you will attract more health into your life. If you are grateful for your current job, you will attract more opportunities to advance in your career.
When you focus on being thankful for what you have, it's easier to let go of what you don't have.
Gratitude will help open up the flow of energy in your life.
The most powerful aspect of gratitude is being grateful for something or someone you don't have yet but want.
When you put yourself into the vibration of receiving, and act as though you have it already, the Universe will have no choice but to MAKE it happen.
It is universal law! The energy must be created in the physical form.
2. Meditate or do some form of relaxation
This will help you clear your mind and focus on the present moment.
When you want to manifest something into your life using LOA deliverables, it's important to first get clear on what it is that you desire.
Once you know what it is you're seeking, the next step is to connect with the Universe and meditate on your request.
The key to successful manifestation is to put your intention out there and then release it, trusting that the Universe will handle the details. That is the basis of law of attraction.
The best way to do this is through meditation.
Take some time each day to sit quietly and focus on your desires with an innate knowing that it will come to fruition at the perfect time.
You'll be sending a strong message to the Universe that you're serious about making them a reality.
The Universe will respond by aligning the circumstances in your life so that your desires can come to fruition.
So don't be afraid to ask for what you want - the Universe is always listening.
3. Visualize what you want
When you spend time focusing on what you want to manifest, it will be easier for it to come into your life.
The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life.
The basis of this theory is that like attracts like. So, if you're regularly thinking about your goals and visualizing yourself achieving them, you're more likely to achieve them.
This is because your thoughts will attract similar thoughts and circumstances, which will eventually lead to the manifestation of your goals.
There is ample scientific evidence to support the law of attraction. And as more people learn about the powerful and life-changing method for achieving their dreams, it becomes more mainstream.
So, if you're looking to make some positive changes in your life, it may be worth giving visualization in combination with the law of attraction a try.
4. Take action steps toward your goal
The law of attraction is always working, but sometimes it seems like the universe is taking its sweet time to deliver our requests.
Get clear about what you want. What do you want the universe to provide for you? Be as specific as possible when making your request. This is one of the most common reasons for a delay.
Raise your vibration. This can be done through practices like meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature. The more positive your energy, the easier it will be for the universe to align with your desires.
Take inspired action. This means taking steps that feel good to you and align with your desires. When you take inspired action, it shows the universe that you're serious about manifesting your desires.
Release attachment to the outcome. It simply means trusting that the universe will provide what you've asked for in divine timing.
It's important to take action if you want to manifest your desires. The Universe will help you, but you need to do your part too!
5. Let go of control, you will attract what you emit
Trying to control everything only creates resistance. Trust that the Universe has a divine plan to bring your deepest wants, needs, and desires to fruition. Let go of the need to control everything and truly allow the law of attraction to do its thing.
Desperation is a feeling that everyone has experienced at one point or another.
Whether it is the desperation of wanting a new job, needing to make a change in your life, or simply wanting something that you cannot have, it can be an all-consuming feeling.
When we are desperate, we can often become fixated on the thing that we want, to the point where we become obsessed with controlling the situation.
However, this need for control can actually hinder our ability to achieve our goals. Instead of trying to control everything, we need to learn to let go and trust that things will work out in the end.
This doesn't mean that you should stop taking action altogether, but rather that you should focus on enjoying the journey and not getting too wrapped up in the destination.
Letting go of control can be difficult, but it is often necessary in order to achieve our goals.
6. Be patient
If you're anything like me, you're probably always looking for ways to manifest your dreams and desires faster.
And while there's nothing wrong with wanting to speed up the process, it's important to remember that rushing things will not necessarily lead to the results you want.
In fact, being impatient can actually work against you.
The key to manifestation is learning to flow with the Universe, and that means being patient and trusting that everything will unfold in perfect timing.
It might not happen as quickly as you want it to, but if you can be patient and have faith, you will eventually see your desires come to fruition.
So instead of getting anxious and stressed about the pace of your manifestation, relax and let go, knowing that everything is happening exactly as it should.
Manifesting your desires takes time. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. Keep focusing on what you want, and it will eventually come into your life.
7. Seek help from a law of attraction coach or expert.
If you're having significant trouble manifesting your desires, seek out someone who can help you with the process.
A coach or expert can give you guidance and support so that you can overcome any obstacles in your way.
The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you attract the life you want. But it's important to remember that it's not a magic fix-all solution.
You still need to take action steps and be patient as you wait for your desires to manifest. Your desires are not just going to fall from the sky.
That isn't how it works.
Overcoming energetic resistance is a key part of making the law of attraction work for you.
So if you're having trouble manifesting your desires, focus on clearing any resistance that might be holding you back.
With a little effort, you can overcome any obstacle and attract the life of your dreams!
We are co-creating this Universe
No matter how you choose to use the law of attraction, remember that your thoughts and actions create your reality.
So if you want to attract positive experiences into your life, focus on the positive.
And if you want to change something in your life, take action steps toward making that change happen.
The law of attraction is a powerful tool, but it's up to you to use it wisely!
Remember that emotion is energy in motion.
Need inspiration to dig deeper into the science behind the law of attraction?
The Secret is a book by Rhonda Byrne that teaches the power of positive thinking.
The book stirred up controversy when it was published, with some people claiming that it is a form of magic and others praising it as a tool for self-improvement.
The book remained on the bestseller list for weeks, and has been turned into a film and a self-help program.
The premise of The Secret is that thoughts create reality.
As such, if people focus their thoughts on negative things, they will attract negativity into their lives.
On the other hand, if they focus on positive thoughts, they will attract positive experiences.
This theory has been met with criticism from some quarters, but there is no denying that the book has helped many people change their thinking and tap into their potential while creating their dream life.
It's the type of book you could quickly pick it up, read a couple of lines, and feel satisfied.
As soon as I picked up the book, back in 2017, I couldn’t put it down.
Everything made sense.
Nothing was a coincidence.
It felt like I had been extracted from the Matrix at this moment.
Something clicked. The feeling of warmth and connection spread like electricity throughout my body.
I was in charge of my reality.
My thoughts create a vibration that is sent out into the Universe.
The Universe is not bias — it projects back to me the same vibration I had sent out. It is simply an energy exchange.
The more you learn about the law of attraction, the more you will see it show itself in your life and the lives of others.
The more you will have no choice to believe it to be true and transition yourself to a co-creator of your own Universe.
What are you waiting for? Get your mindful manifestation on!
Are you currently co-creating your dream life? What have you manifested lately? I'd love to hear about it!
Further reading you may enjoy:
Disclaimer: links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission. The Secret is my favorite book to date, and changed my life in more ways than one. There isn't one doubt in my mind that it will help you, too. Thanks for your support.
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